The macrocosmic forces of light, darkness and colour in the human being are metamorphosed and individualized. The human organization is built in order to perceive the outside world and bring it inside of oneself; this happens in the day-consciousness, thanks to the action of the light which awakes our awareness. We can take the light inside us through the perception, transforming it in inner light through the thinking activity. Thought and light are the two faces of the same coin. We can experience our thinking in the objectiveness of the light. The forces of the objective antipathy of the light bring the consciousness inside us; this “antipathy” is a necessary way for the individuality and the incarnation, but it also brings forces of destruction. In the light’s world, we live in the past, in what it is and that cannot be modified, here everything is finished and completed. In this time we are living in too much light (mainly artificial light) and this makes us ill, especially nerve illnesses because the sense’s organs are overwhelmed.
This light in the human being becomes the path of incarnation of the Ego from above through the nerve; in this pole ( the nerve/sense system), the Ego/organization works directly into the physical body flowing in the nerve through the light. In this way the Ego brings consciousness but carries, too, destructive forces of death that are needed in order to be able to properly incarnate.
The nerve/sense system is, as well, the physical instrument for the perception and the thinking activity, the tree of the light with the nerves as branches.
Through the light of the sun we also receive warmth: on the other side, we live in the darkness/warmth in a world of substance, density, gravity, nourishing and supporting us and which allows us to be incarnated in a physical body, in the third dimension, on the earth. We can take this substance inside us transforming it, making it ours through the digestion and the metabolic process, which is the warmth’s process. Through this individual warmth created by us we can experience the willing. Again a great reversal: outside the world of substance (darkness/warmth), inside us the world of willing. The future can come towards us from this world, where everything keeps moving and metamorphosing and where you can develop seeds for the future. The physical instrument to achieve all this is the limb and metabolic system, with the organs and their processes which is the blood. The darkness/warmth becomes in the human being the path of incarnation of the Ego from below through the blood. Here the Ego/organization doesn’t work directly into the physical body, but through the astral and etheric bodies, flowing in the blood with the darkness/warmth and bringing life forces, to rebuild what is destroyed by the upper pole ( nerve/sense system).
Everything coming from the inner world of the darkness/warmth dies into the light, all functions of our willing die in our thinking, the blood lifts up and brights in our brain. Our willing is in the future but we cannot think without being in the past. The human being is organized in a constant interplay between thinking and willing which are the doors for the ego to incarnate: through the path of the light/thinking/nervous system and through the path of the darkness/warmth/willing/metabolic system. These opposites are active as objective antipathy and sympathy forces which, in the physical body, express themselves through the process of nerves and blood (the nerve destroys, the blood builds); this great opposition is very creative, it lives and meets in a rhythm in the middle of the human being, in his soul. This meeting is expressible through the breathing and the heart-beating. In the central system (the rhythmic system) we constantly live in the movement and the weaving of these two polarity forces (light/darkness/warmth-nerve/blood).
As in the physical world we move in an atmosphere of colour constantly weaved by the light and the darkness/warmth between our eyes and the sun, so in our soul we live in an inner space full of feelings (between thinking and willing). Outside the colour, inwardly the feeling.
Everybody creates his own space of colour based on his point of view, inwardly this becomes the world of feeling. The cosmic feeling is the visible colour around us, becomlng human feeling inside us. Here man lives in the present and in the freedom (possibility of freedom).
Light and darkness are a spiritual experience, the movement and the colours are a soul experience. We can find all these movements and colours in our breathing, in the circulation of the blood, in our lymphatic system, in the relation between pulse and breathing, in the organs and their processes, in the glands. All of this is manifestation of colour.