Light, darkness and colour are the three great cosmic realities from which all creation originated , expressing themselves metamorphosed in the microcosm of the human being. In the morning when we arrive at the day-consciousness from the sleeping one what first we experience is warmth. The warmth envelops us, it gives us life and fulfilment. Warmth has no boundaries, it permeates everything, it is the finest substance, the first one on Earth. Talking of darkness we talk of warmth.
The darkness/warmth is the spiritual mother of substance, it is the first principle of creation at the beginning of time. Its espression of sympathy brings gravity, goodness, attraction, love. It gives the chance of growing, developing and evolving to all living elements. It has no centre, nor circumference, only impulse for movement, movement towards the light. The darkness/warmth loves the light and its expression of sympathy is longing for light constantly. It moves in spirals, waves; it envelops, it carries; it is formless and it cannot give form to anything, but it fills and gives substance to the earth’s reality.
Light is the polarity of darkness. It is the second principle of creation, expression of the objective cosmic antipathy; the cosmic antipathy, as creative force, flows from the spiritual world into the earth’s atmosphere as light. It gives form, structure and direction. Near the light all is formed, in it everything dies. The light shows what comes into existence, it differentiates and it divides.
It radiates in a straight line from a centre to a circunference, this is the only possible movement, it cannot envelop or move in waves. It shows itself in dots, sheaves, rays, stripes. Away from its source, it is mild, all-diffused, warm, it dies into darkness. Near its source is finished, formed, cold, clear, neat; we can see through it. By its cosmic espression of antipathy it pushes the darkness away.
In the meeting between the cosmic antipathy of the light and the cosmic sympathy of the darkness, a great movement occurs, a great drama. From this movement all the world outside and inside the human being in continuously created, all forms and colours.
The darkness/warmth brings the impulse for movement and the shining of the light in the darkness awakes this movement; it gives a direction and an aim to the “chaos” of the darkness.
Light gives form to the darkness/warmth, it brings consciousness and the past, Wisdom lives in it.
Darkness gives life and warmth to the light, it brings the future. Love lives in it.
In this meeting, the darkness/warmth is lit up, lifted, healed and continuously restored; substance is spiritualized.
On the other hand, light gets life and warmth, it becomes a new light, renewed by the loving impulse for of the darkness.
Thus, it appears the image of the great spiral: light radiates from the top, the darkness moves around it towards the top, in slow and big spirals on the bottom, and speedy and smaller spirals going towards the source of the light. If we observe the plants we find this image in the stem (the light) and in the leaves (the darkness) growing in spirals around it. The stem is also always in a spiral when it grows between light and darkness.
From the meeting of these two great spiritual principles of creation, light and darkness/warmth, colour appears, the third cosmic reality; it is the expression of their creative never-ending activity. This activity in itself is invisible but we perceive it as colour. The world of colours is the visible expression of this creative action. A great space of colour is created between the light and the darkness/warmth and here we move as human beings. Around us in the macrocosmos there is a fluent atmosphere continuously moving in which colours radiates from the cosmic soul. In this atmosphere of colour we are in the present., continuously seeking the balance between the objective forces of antipathy (light) and sympathy (darkness/warmth). Our ego is the go-between of these two forces.
Colour is visible movement; in this movement the human being can go into the third dimension and into the space, to live on the earth. He can experience his own soul like a reflection and a metamorphosis of the cosmic soul.